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Agriculture and horticulture

Uzdatnianie wody dla podmiotów działających w branży rolnictwa i ogrodnictwa jest procesem bardzo ważnym – musi zostać zachowany jak najwyższy standard bezpieczeństwa. Nieodpowiednio zrealizowane uzdatnianie może prowadzić do poważnych konsekwencji zdrowotnych, dlatego zawsze trzeba zachować maksimum uwagi, co wiąże się z koniecznością stosowania wysokiej jakości technologii i środków, dzięki którym można wykonać skuteczne uzdatnienie wody służącej rozmaitym celom.

Oferowane przez naszą firmę profesjonalne systemy pozwalają efektywnie przeprowadzić proces uzdatnienia wody zarówno w większych gospodarstwach (zajmujących się uprawą roślin i hodowlą zwierząt), w mleczarstwie, jak i w ogrodnictwie oraz w warzywnictwie i w sadownictwie.

W ramach uzdatniania wody wykonujemy filtrację, demineralizację, zmiękczanie wody, a także optymalnie dobraną do potrzeb każdego inwestora (czyli przedmiotu prowadzonej przez niego działalności) dezynfekcję.

The treatment of water for customers running their businesses in agriculture and horticulture is a very important process as the highest possible safety standard must be maintained. Poor water treatment can lead to serious health consequences, so it is always necessary to pay maximum attention to the quality of the technology applied and the means by which effective water treatment for various purposes can be carried out.

At Granimex, we offer professional systems designed for water treatment on larger farms (cultivating crops and breeding animals), in dairying, horticulture and cultivation of vegetables and fruit.

Water treatment solutions for these sectors include: water filtration, demineralization, softening, as well as disinfection tailored to the specific needs of each customer (i.e. the needs of a particular business).

All our activities are focused on effective elimination of all kinds of hazards that may be associated with the use of various water resources. They include viruses, fungi, bacteria, different pathogens and other micro-organisms that can threaten both plant and animal production.

We have to take into account the fact that it is necessary to use water of various parameters on a farm - including drinking water (for animals), irrigation water for watering plants, water used for daily operations (cleaning, washing, etc.) or for home use.

Sometimes, different problems related to the proper operation of machinery and other equipment, the proper condition of crops, or the health of livestock herds might not have occurred if the quality of water had been diagnosed early enough. If it is unsatisfactory, it may lead to serious consequences, including financial ones.

Granimex offers comprehensive solutions - starting from professional and detailed water diagnostics and correct determination of relevant parameters, which is always related to the characteristics of each farm (or other business - e.g. greenhouse, orchard etc.).

We implement all kinds of water system projects, supply materials and equipment, assemble the systems on site, perform maintenance, service, we also provide our customers with fast and reliable repair in case of failure.

This would not be possible without high-class, ergonomic equipment (for filtration, disinfection, dosing of disinfectants, water softening and demineralization).

With their modular design, the latest systems can be freely modified, also extended by adding new elements, if such are required.

It is a very useful solution which significantly reduces the costs incurred by the customer. It is often enough to adapt the existing water treatment plant to the current (and future, forecasted) needs and to carry out modernization process rather than replace the whole system which is much more costly.

Contact us. Our experts will provide detailed answers to the questions related to the projects for the treatment and/or improvement of water quality in the agriculture and horticulture.