The quality of process water determines the efficiency, vitality and proper operation of equipment, installations and systems in many production processes, which is why it is important not to forget about frequent and detailed tests.
Our company performs various types of analyses of process water – we test it both biochemically and microbiologically.
Thanks to them, you will gain knowledge about the current state of water, but also about potential threats related to the possible occurrence of contamination from various sources. We will assess the chemical and bacterial risk, as well as the quality features characterizing the tested water (e.g. its hardness level).
Why does the quality of process water have such a significant impact on the course of technological processes, efficient and longer, failure-free operation of installations and production systems?
Poor quality water, improperly treated, causes a quick occurrence of problems (e.g. due to intensifying corrosion processes), reduction of equipment efficiency, high repair costs but also energy losses.
To avoid such situations or at least minimize them – it is worth remembering about professional testing of process water, contrary to appearances, it is as important and rational as performing detailed analysis of drinking water.
Properly performed tests ensure reduction of real production costs, regardless of the industry in which the company operates. Prevention, as in many other cases, is definitely cheaper than struggling with the consequences of non-prevention, i.e. using process water inadequately verified and thus improperly treated.